Physical Education

We follow the Early Years Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum for Physical Education and the children are taught to apply and develop a vast range of skills across a variety of sports, as well as how to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Over the course of an academic year, each class covers six different sporting activities that require the children to develop and apply specific skills throughout the topic, building on what they have learned in other sports and in previous years. Adaptations are individually made to the relevant PE lessons to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum and are not disadvantaged by Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.
Each class participates in one PE lesson per week which is taught by either one of our incredible KickOff coaches or by our class teachers. We use the PE Hub scheme of work. The PE Hub offers high-quality resources that both empower and equip each learner to develop their physical skills to their full potential.
Additionally, we have launched and successfully implemented The Daily Mile. This is an initiative that encourages pupils to get active and participate in physical activity every day. This has seen a substantial stride in pupils' general well-being, health, and overall positive attitude.
Physical Education Whole School Overview 24/25

Reception & Key Stage 1
In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 the children follow a rolling programme. This allows the children to revisit the key skills of Physical Education in different contexts so that they can reinforce their understanding and practise and develop their skills. There is a strong emphasis on developing the fundamental movement skills, developing their agility, balance and coordination in order to give them a strong grounding. The children then apply these core skills in a range of increasingly complex cooperative and competitive games.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, the children build and develop a broader range of skills. They learn how to use and apply these skills in an increasingly wide range of contexts, linking actions and sequences in ever more complex ways. They deepen their understanding of competitive sports, effectively communicating to work cooperatively as a team, such as developing and applying tactics. They are increasingly able to evaluate their own performance identifying successes and how they can improve.
The children have the opportunity to take part in outdoor and adventurous activities throughout the Key Stage, which are designed to challenge them as individuals and as a group, developing their resilience and problem-solving.