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St Gregory Class

Welcome to St Gregory Class! 

The children in this class are in Year 4.  

The adults who work in our class are Miss Semple, Mrs Waters, Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Godfrey.

We are now in Summer Term 2!

Our library day this term is Monday.

Our PE day is Monday. 

To practice for the upcoming Multiplication Times Table Check, follow this link: 


Meet the Teacher PowerPoint

St Gregory Class Blog

Curriculum Information

Summer 2 1Summer 2 2


Every week, children will get spelling and reading homework and a times table to revise. Often, additional maths homework will be set. 

Spellings will be set on a Friday and due in on the following Thursday to be tested. If you need a printed copy for your child, please let me know.

Times table tests will be weekly on a Thursday. Your child will come home with a printed copy of the times table they need to practice.

Children should be reading daily for at least 20 minutes at home and logging this in their reading records. 

If your child is finding the homework tricky, please let me know and I am happy to help support them in school. 

Times Table Test practice link:


MTC Practice link:


spelling strategies

Writing Corner

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Recommended Reading List

Levelled reading books will be sent home each week and we also encourage children to read books at home according to their interests. 

The link below is a list of books recommended for children in Year 4.   


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