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After School provision at St Martin's Catholic Primary School

After-School Club   

We have secured the services of an established activity company, FACE Events who will run the after-school club on three afternoons each week - Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. You can find out more about FACE events by following the link below. 




On  Fridays, the after-school club will be run by the school.  If you wish to book a place for after school club on  Friday,  please follow this link : 


Using this new system, you only need to input your details once and they'll be stored in your own dashboard for all future bookings. Some of you may already have a ClassForKids account, in which case, you know how simple it is to use. Here's a quick video on how it all works


The school will follow the same pricing structure as FACE Events which is as follows:  

3.15pm - 5pm = £9.00 per child per session 

3.15pm - 6pm = £13.00 per child per session  

4.30pm - 6pm = £7.50 per child per session (this is to accommodate those children who wish to attend other clubs such as the Cooking Club but then require an after-school club until 5.45pm) 


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