
Welcome to our library at St Martin’s Catholic Primary School! We have over 3,000 up-to-date children’s books in the library, both fiction and non-fiction and covering a wide range of interests and reading abilities.
Our library is staffed by a parent volunteer, currently Mrs Lucy Ring, with guidance from the Senior Leadership team. If you have any messages for her, please leave a note with the School office or email them to her via Alternatively you can write in the library suggestions book on the librarian’s desk.
Borrowing books
Browsing and reserving library books from home
During the current Covid19 related restrictions, it will be difficult for classes to visit the library in person. However, you can still borrow books from the library by following the instructions below.
Libresoft is our library software and allows users to browse the library from home. Please click on the link below and enter your log in details which you can find in the front of your reading record.
Once you have logged in, you can
- browse the catalogue
- search for books using the search function
- use the keywords column to find similar books
- leave reviews for a book you have enjoyed
- reserve a book for the librarian to deliver to your classroom
To reserve a book, follow the instructions below
- find the book in the catalogue
- click on "select action"
- click on "reserve book"
- confirm your reservation
Please return any books that you have read back to your class teacher, who will return them to the library.
Lost or damaged books
Please encourage your children to look after their library books. If you think your child has lost or badly damaged a library book, please contact your child’s teacher or the School Office. We ask for a £5 contribution towards the cost of replacing the book and its plastic jacket. If the book is subsequently found, this payment will be refunded.
Requests and reservations
We keep a suggestions book so children can tell us about books they would like to see in the library. Parents are welcome to make suggestions too!
If a child would like a book which is out on loan, we can reserve the book for them if they leave a message in the suggestion book.
Choosing the right books
We have a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books in the library and each class has a list of recommended books on their class page. These can also be found in the library for children to browse through.
There are also various excellent websites which can guide your child with their choices
Books for Keeps.
Book Trust
Love reading for kids.
We hope your children will have many years of happy reading at St Martins!