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Welcome to St Rose Class!


Welcome to St Rose Class!

The adults working in our class are Mrs. Mellet, Mrs. Curl and Mrs. Godfrey.

Our PE day is on Fridays

Our library day is on Thursdays

Our spelling test is on Fridays 

Clas Pic 2

Curriculum Overview

Spring Term 2Spring Term 2..Spring Term 2....

Knowledge Organisers

PE PlanPE Plan 2PE Plan 3

Class Blog


Reading: Please ensure that Reading books are in school every day and that reading records have been signed every time your child has read. Each book must be read three times over during the week to ensure accuracy and fluency. These will be changed every Monday.

Spellings: Spellings will be sent home every Monday to prepare for a test on Friday.

Maths: Homework will be set every Tuesday to consolidate concepts learned in the classroom. Please return these by Friday. 

Recommended Reading List



Library Day: Our weekly visit to our wonderful library is a fantastic experience. Please return your library book on this day to get a fantastic new read!

Important Documents

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