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Your 2024/25 Committee Comprises:



Chair: Julie 

Vice Chair: Joanna 

Secretary: Andrew 

Treasurer: Simon  

Class Reps


Lima: Charlene                                      

St Rose:   Theresa     

St John:  Joanna          

Gregory:  Laura         

St Dominic: Aurelie

de Porres: Mimi

Key Roles

Business Sponsorship: Theresa

 PSA Events

Mother's Day Gift shop (Instagram Post)


Past Events

We organise a variety of events throughout the school year for children and grown ups too!  Our aim is to bring our school community together and to create lasting memories for our children while raising much need additional funds for the school to further our children's learning opportunities.  Take a look at some of our past event pictures!

Past Events image

 St Martin's T Shirt Relay


Get involved!

It's really important that everyone feels able to 'do their bit', and we recognise that life is busy and many of us work full time.  However there are many ways you can get involved with the PSA, other than the key roles above;

Pop along to a meeting; We're a friendly bunch and we're always very happy to have new faces and fresh ideas, it's a great way to get to know other parents and have your say in how our funds are allocated.

Join the PSA Team WhatsApp; All of our dedicated PSA roles above are connected via a WhatsApp group to stay uptodate on what's going on.  If you'd like to be in the know, and join the group, please drop us an email at stmartinspsa@outlook.com 

Be a Happy Helper! All of our events need an army of volunteers to help them run smoothly, so if all you can do is give us an hour of your time it will be much apprecaited, and we can promise you'll be rewarded with a wonderful sense of doing something great for your children's school.  Our big events, The Advent and Summer Fayre's even have a special raffle with a chance for volunteers to win a Helpers Hamper!

Finally, join the fun at our events, come along, bring your friends and family and show your support!

Donate to us!

We're always very grateful for any donations no matter how small.  If you'd like to donate to us you can do so in a number of ways;

1. We have a Just Giving Page page where you can donate directly.  If you're a UK Tax payer we can claim Gift Aid on your donation too.



Easy Fundraising

2. We’ve registered with #easyfundraising, which means over 4,000 shops and sites will now donate to the PSA for FREE every time you use #easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long. https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stmartinscaversham/?invite=ii6act&referral-campaign=s2s 



3. Matched Funding;

Do you work for a company who offers Matched Funding?  Many big organisations provide incentives to thier employees to support thier local community by offering funding.  Often a company will 'match' the employee's contribution, so for example if you work on the BBQ at the Summer Fayre and we raise £600, your company may match that amount as a donation to the school.  If you're not sure that your company does this, it's worth looking into! 



Funding Requests & Expenses

From time to time PSA members may incur expenses.  All expenditure should have the prior approval of the Committee and should be requested by completing the Expense Claim form below and sent to stmartinspsa@outlook.com for the attention of the Treasurer.  Funding for items can be requested by PSA members at any time by completing the PSA Funding Request form and submitting it to stmartinspsa@outlook.com for the attention of the Chair.

PSA Role Profiles




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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