St. John Class
Welcome to St John Class!
The adults working in our class are Mrs Hughes, Mrs Cavallari, Mrs Caiger, Mrs Machado and Mrs Harris.
Our PE day is on Mondays
Our library day is on Tuesdays
Reading books are changed on Tuesdays
Our spelling test is on Fridays

Subject Knowledge Organisers

Suggested Reading for Year 3 children
Please find below a list of suggested reading books for Year 3 children:
Every week, children will get spelling and a times table to revise. The times table worksheet should be handed in on a Friday. Often, additional maths homework will be set for Number Facts practice with ideas for activities to do at home to support your child's learning.
Spellings will be set on a Friday and due on the following Friday to be tested. These are glued into their green homework books. Please ensure that your child brings their homework books to school each day so we can practise spellings and complete maths morning work at school.
Children should be reading daily for at least 20 minutes at home and logging this in their reading records. These must be signed each day and handed in.
If your child is finding the homework tricky, please let me know and I am happy to help support them in school.
Spelling Support Ideas for Parents

Important Files for Parents' Attention
Writer's Corner